Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Day #115 - Midway thru ICT

It's officially the 8th day of this 14-day ICT.
Midway through.

Goals of the Day:
  1. 1st draft of financial blog post
    • 25% done
  2. Exercise
    • Undone
  3. Meditate
    • Going to
  4. Sleep early
    • Going to (time check: 2327 HRS)
  5. Complete video editing until 1st day of Tasmania
    • Got to just before the 1st day
Had to settle quite a bit of things for the day.
Therefore, didn't have the luxury of time like previous 2 days to do all the things I set out to do.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Did some work on drafting out post's contents
  • Did some video editing work for the trip (completed the perth's part)
  • woke up early
  • Have more energy compared to previous nights (but Dearest was a bit tired to chat)
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't exercise
  • Sleeping slightly late
  • Didn't manage to complete most of the goals today

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