Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Day #135 - New Zealand Trip?

I have decided on a New Zealand solo trip.
It somehow got sparked off from a Facebook post promotion on Sunday, and I have since been seriously considering it.
Time for some planning!

Goals of the Day:
  1. Be focused at work
    1. Achieved
  2. Plan finish the week ahead
    1. Done
  3. Finish diary updates for 20 Sep and 22 Sep
    1. Done for 22 Sep and 24 Sep, Undone for 20 Sep
Busy day at work as usual for this time period.
Another colleague came back from his studies to spread the workload. haha..

Today's Small Wins:
  • Meditated for 10 min
  • Did diary updates for 2 days
  • Planned my week ahead
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't wake up @ 6am sharp
  • Didn't sleep @ 11pm sharp
  • Distracted with Facebook when doing personal work

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