Thursday, September 21, 2017

Day #130 - Back to Work


Goals of the Day:
  1. Read at least 1 article at work
    • Done
  2. Be focused at work
    • Done
  3. Do personal work for 1h
    • Nua for the night, didn't do. tired. =(
  4. Habits-Building - Meditate and Sleep early
    • Meditated, but didn't manage to sleep early
Drove to work because of the rented car from yesterday, but got caught in the morning jam. Sigh.
Wanted to do get inspired to do work, and thought of downloading some inspirational quotes as wallpaper.
Next thing I knew, I spent $4.50 on Wallpaper Engine on Steam. hahaha..

Today's Small Wins:
  • Efficient at work (keep it up!)
  • Meditated
Today's Small Losses:
  • Woke up late
    • Resulted in loss of time during the drive to work
  • Didn't sleep early
  • Didn't manage to do personal work

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