Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Day #330 - 1 Month of Bliss

Happy 1 Month to Dearest & Me =)

Goals of the Day:
  • Plan out what to cook for dinner
    • Not Achieved (Ate out in the end)
  • Be focus at work to do the prioritized tasks
    • Achieved
  • Brainstorm and be explicit with what I want to work towards
    • 10% Achieved
Was preoccupied with checking my tax filing, and trying to log in to my wordpress account. 
It's been too long since I have went into my blog administration to see how it's going.
I'm a bit surprised to see quite a number of views, though I'm not sure who came to visit.
It feels exciting thinking about going back to researching on what I'm interested in.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Work-focused
  • Nice evening spent with Dearest
  • Small celebration of 1 month!
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't meditate

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