Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Day #338 - Practising Discipline

Building back my discipline to follow through my thoughts with actions.

I have decided to give myself a "Goal of the Week" today, and make sure that everyday I will work towards this Goal.

Goal of the Week:
  • Publish 1 post on a savings account calculator
    • Updated information on 3 savings accounts

Goals of the Day:
  • Gather information on 2 additional savings accounts
    • Achieved
  • Use the previous Google sheet to create calculator for 3 savings account
    • Achieved (updated the previous calculators)
  • Continue the trend of meditation
    • Not Achieved
Quite a normal day at work.
Back at home, Dearest encouraged me to push myself.
And so I did. =)

Today's Small Wins:
  • Did personal work for a few hours (when you're really passionate about something, time flies)
  • Cooked with Dearest! (lovely dinner tonight =)
  • Resisted playing the Coke machine game to prevent myself from getting another sugar-loaded drink 
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't practise good habits (late night + didn't meditate)
  • Forgot about the mini-crisis back at my parents place until my mum called to update me on it
  • Lazed around a bit after dinner
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • A rather smooth cooking session with Dearest
  • A lovely wife who pushes me
  • The safety of my parents and sister

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