Monday, April 23, 2018

Day #343 - Everyday Is An Opportunity For Myself

Everyday I wake up, I shall tell myself.

"Today's an opportunity to better myself.
Grab it. And use it to the fullest."

Goal of the Week:
  • Complete Section 3 of Udemy App Dev Course
    • Didn't do anything do this today
Goals of the Day:
  • "Eat the frog" at my office work
    • Achieved
  • Seek help early
    • Not Achieved
  • Good habits (sleep by 11.30pm and meditate for 10min)
    • Not Achieved
  • Complete my household chores (iron clothes)
    • Not Achieved
  • Complete 1 lecture on Section 3 of Udemy App Dev Course
    • Not Achieved
It seems like I didn't manage to fulfill a lot of my goals for the day.
The evening was spent cooking dinner (45min), and then around 2 hours of editing my blog post that I pushed out yesterday.
Downloaded the previous image editing software, and figure out how to add in an extra page on the blog for the calculator.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Make things happened at work
  • Worked on my blog for 2 hours
  • Dinner dishes (luncheon meat + egg) turned out well
Today's Small Losses:
  • Slightly lethargic at work
    • Really need to rest early and try to get un-interrupted sleep by just sleeping with my own blanket and drinking honey
  • Didn't meditate
  • Didn't sleep early
  • Didn't do household chores
Things I'm Grateful For Today
  • Dearest's massage at the end of the day
  • The finance that I have to enable me to pay for hosting my blog
  • This house that I have that gives me time and space to pursue my goals

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