Monday, April 16, 2018

Day #336 - An Important Week

Starting the week is easy.
I plan out things to do, work out the time schedule for them.

Finishing the week is hard.
I have tasks and chores undone, and I'm wondering where I could have done better.

This week, I will start strong, and end strong.

Goals of the Day:
  • Care for my parents
    • Achieved
  • Work out the office work tasks for this week, prioritize, and delegate
    • Achieved 50%
  • Personal Work on reviews of banks' savings accounts (review on past worksheet, and update on at least 1 bank)
    • Achieved
Went back to my parents' place because something weird happened in the family.
Hope that everything's fine from now.

Did some personal work, but only read up; haven't note it down in my notes yet.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Went back to show care and concern for my parents
  • Did planning for work tasks
  • Did personal work of reviewing my past data and 1 bank
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't meditate
  • Lazed around when I got home
Three Things I'm Grateful For Today:
  • The health of my parents
  • The care that Dearest showed me when I'm find darkness uncomfortable
  • The financial ability to take a grab home when I want to without much worries

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