Sunday, April 22, 2018

Day #342 - Having Friends In Life

And I love chocolate chips, on my cookie.

Goals of the Day:
  • Have a good morning exercise session with Dearest and her friends
    • Achieved
  • Be productive in my personal work
    • Not Achieved
  • Meditate
    • Not Achieved
Goal of the Week:
  • Publish 1 post on a savings account calculator
    • Achieved
Quite a hot and tiring, but fun session playing Captain's ball with Dearest's friends.
Both of us were quite spent after the morning~

Today's Small Wins:

  • Still managed to cook a good dinner with Dearest
  • Put in hard work for personal goals by reviewing the remainder of the savings accounts
  • Pushed out a blog post
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't sleep early and meditate
Things I'm Grateful For Today:
  • Having a group of friends to have regular exercise/interaction session
  • Dearest's contribution to the household chores
  • Time to do my personal work

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