Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Day #204 - Steady Pace

Steady pace.
So that my body can take it.
So that I can last the end of time.

Goals of the Day:

  • Plan my work schedule today and follow it
    • Achieved somewhat
  • Plan my personal time for the week ahead
    • Not Achieved
  • Settle the cement screed appeal
    • Achieved
  • Consolidate no. of wedding invites needed for my side
    • Achieved (just need to reconfirm)
Started the day with lots of resistance to office work.
But it got better as the day went by~

Today's Small Wins:
  • Managed to finish the slides for tml's meeting
  • Did renovation stuff (sent in appeal for cement screed)
  • Did wedding stuff (consolidate wedding invites, source for wine suppliers)
  • Meditated for 10 min
Today's Small Wins:
  • Woke up late
  • Slept late
  • Didn't manage to plan the week ahead

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