Friday, December 15, 2017

Day #215 - Discipline. Determination. Dedication.

I seemed to be lacking in this lately.
Is it the holiday season?
No excuses.
I will do it.

Goals of the Day:
  • Plan schedule for the day
    • Achieved
  • Plan schedule for the week
    • Not Achieved
  • Settle financial accounting for the recent JB trip
    • Not Achieved
  • Practise good habits (Meditate and Sleep on time)
    • Achieved
At least it was an enjoying evening being on the court.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Planned schedule for the day
  • Meditated for 10 min
  • Slept as soon as I got home to rest
Today's Small Losses:
  • Woke up late
  • Did not plan for the weekends
  • Did not settle the financial accounting for the JB trip

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