Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Day #219 - Be Calm, and Be Furious; Be a Duck

*Quack Quack

Goals of the Day:
  • Focused and efficient at work
    • Achieved
  • Settle electrical works quotation
    • Achieved
  • Arrange for continuation of cement screeding tml (Dearest helping)
    • Achieved
  • Practise good habits (Sleep on time + Meditation)
    • Somewhat Achieved (didn't meditate)
It's a busy day dealing with renovation stuff and work.
But there is still time to rest. 
There is always time to rest.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Remained focus at work
  • Settled and physically checked urgent electrical works to continue cement screeding
  • Clarified on cement screeding height needs
  • Sleeping on time
Today's Small Losses:
  • Realized that we forgot to mention to the cement screeding contractor that the main BR toilet needs to have overlay, and therefore need the cement screed to be higher
  • Didn't meditate
  • Woke up late

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