Sunday, December 17, 2017

Day #217 - Keeping the Flame Alive

Our lives all need a little fire to go on.
It feeds our emotions, our purposes, our desires.
It makes us, feel alive.

Goals of the day:
  • Enjoy quality time with Dearest and her friends
    • Achieved
  • Settle wedding stuff (watches, album, canvas, wine, medical)
    • Partially Achieved (only watches)
  • Practise good habits (meditate and sleep early)
    • Achieved
A nice surprise from Dearest's friends for Dearest.
Didn't expect it to last that long, but I'm glad we all enjoyed the interaction.
Although there wasn't time to settle a lot of stuff after that, it was still a good day.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Quality time with Dearest
  • Settled the wedding watches
  • Meditated for 10 minutes
  • Slept on time
  • Shortlisted wedding wine vendors
Today's Small Losses
  • Woke up very late in the morning

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