Monday, December 25, 2017

Day #225 - Spending the Festive Season with a Loved One

And today, I'm with Dearest =)

Goals of the Day:

  • Have a good morning breakfast & hike with Dearest
    • Achieved
  • Complete the photo album with Dearest
    • Achieved
  • Select a photo for the canvas with Dearest
    • Achieved
Wasn't feeling that good in a mood yesterday because of office work stress.
But felt better after Dearest organized this morning hike for us =)
She's a wonder >_<

Today's Small Wins:
  • Woke up early
  • Had a morning hike with Dearest
  • Completed 2 wedding matters that had been put off for quite some time (photo album and canvas)
  • Slept early
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't meditate

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