Sunday, December 24, 2017

Day #224 - A Conscious Decision

I make a conscious decision to have a meaningful and fruitful day today.

Goals of the Day:

  • Plan out my schedule for today
    • Not Achieved
  • Wedding/Renovation matters
    • Apply for UOB One card and account (in preparation for upcoming purchases)
      • Not Achieved (can't upload signature)
    • Decide on Credit Card(s) to use for mattress purchase
      • Achieved
    • Review and edit Wedding album
      • Not Achieved
    • Send Invitation to Solemnize form to JOP
      • Achieved
  • Personal Administration
    • Pay Starhub bills
      • Achieved
    • Figure out how to pay property tax via GIRO
      • Not Achieved (to do after I set up my UOB One account)
  • Reading
    • Achieved
  • Exercise
    • Achieved
  • Practise good habits
    • Somewhat Achieved
Just some time with myself, alone.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Applied for Standard Chartered Unlimited Cashback Card
  • Ran 2.4km (11:10min)
  • Bought the Simmons mattress!
  • Read for 15 min
  • Tidied up the wedding/renovation papers
  • Sent invitation to JOP
Today's Small Losses:
  • Slept late
  • Didn't manage to review the wedding album

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