Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Day #247 - 7 Habits

Went through the 7 Habits workshop these 2 days.
Felt that it was slightly rushed, but overall a good reminder and some good insights.
Didn't manage to set goals in the morning, but I will set them now.

Goals of the Day:
  • Go through wedding schedule in preparation for tml's evening
    • Achieved
  • Do at least 20 codings
    • Achieved
  • Sleep by 11pm
    • Not Achieved
The evening was somewhat fruitful.
Reminded and motivated myself, together with the recent reminders from the workshop, to plan my time out, and to commit myself to the plan.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Set up GIRO arrangements for 2 payments related to BTO
  • Reviewed through wedding schedule for tml's meeting
  • Did 20 codings 
  • Watched an hour of Suits Season 1 over dinner to unwind
Today's Small Losses:
  • Not that attentive during the workshop; distracted with messages and fatigue
  • Didn't practise good habits

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