Monday, July 16, 2018

Day #426 - Mondays Are for Fresh Starts

Every Monday is a fresh start.
A reminder to myself to aim towards my goals.
Week 29 of Year 2018.
Let's GO!!!

Goals of the Day:
  • Exercise
    • Achieved
  • Decide on the amount of time to spend on each week for the following Q2 roles: (1) Disciplined learner, (2) Financially Savvy Guy
    • Not Achieved
  • Quality time with Dearest's family
    • Achieved
By the time I got home, I only got around 30 minutes of personal time.
But I used it to game. haha..
Try again tomorrow!

Today's Small Wins:
  • Ran 2 km in the morning with Dearest
  • Meditated for 10 min
  • More focused at work
  • Quality time with Dearest's family
  • Managed to help solve some computer issues for Dearest's bro
  • Leisure time to myself at the end of the day
  • Settled some bank matters (applied for another BOC credit card and closed down my DBS eMSA account which was useless)
  • Slept on time
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't do planning for the amount of time to spend each week on Q2 roles
Things I'm Grateful for Today:

  • C's bro for buying us a nice dinner (Korean fried chicken without bones!)
  • Able to have some leisure time to myself

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