Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Day #595 - New Year, Fresh Start

It's the Year 2019.
I'm gonna rock this year!

Goals of the Day:

  • Go see the beautiful sunrise with Dearest
    • Achieved
  • New Year Resolutions
    • Achieved
Fell sick after coming back from seeing the sunrise with Dearest.
What a different way to start the year. haha...

Year 2019 Resolutions:
  1. To start trying for a baby with Dearest
  2. To go on a romantic getaway with Dearest
  3. To strive to be an affectionate and loving husband
  4. To help mum and dad
  5. To continue to spend time with mum regularly
  6. To find a common activity with Dad to spend time with him
  7. To schedule time to meet friends regularly (guys, John, e4, psych, army)
  8. To get started on the adventure of JMaths and see how it can evolve
  9. To do regular financial research and update A2RY blog at least once per month
  10. To research and execute financial decisions that would benefit the family
  11. To finish the only course of Mobile App Development
  12. To create and publish one app on Google Play Store
  13. To make time to play hard
  14. To plan a short solo hiking trip
  15. To reach an investment portfolio of $50K
  16. To reach $50K in savings
  17. To plan my time religiously
  18. TO build a habit of meditation
  19. To reduce my weight to 63kg
  20. To read 6 books
That's quite a list of things that I want to do for the year.
And it's gonna be an exciting one!

Today's Small Wins:
  • Had a good time seeing the sunrise with Dearest 
  • Had a good time visiting Dearest's friends
  • Rest adequately to recover from illness
  • List out resolutions and shared with Dearest; she shared hers too
  • Meditated for 5 min
Today's Small Losses:
  • Fell sick
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Sharing the view of a beautiful sunrise with the love of my life
  • Didn't push my body out of the limits by going out when I felt sick
  • Dearest's tender loving care towards me when I'm sick

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