Thursday, January 17, 2019

Day #611 - Giving Myself A Push

Often times I feel that limits are self-imposed.
Only when we push past those limits, do we realize that we can do a lot more.

Goals of the Day:
  • Coding up till 50%
    • Not Achieved (at 39%)
  • Operation of DSLR camera and finding the remote
    • Not Achieved
  • Have a good dinner with Dearest and her family
    • Achieved
  • Plan an activity for Sunday date with Dearest
    • Not Achieved
It seems like lately I have been planning goals that I couldn't achieve.
Guess I need to be more realistic with my goals, and also strengthen my determination.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Spent quality time with Dearest's family
  • Mindful breathing for 10 min
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't finish coding up till 50%
  • Didn't operate the DSLR camera
  • Didn't plan an activity for Sunday date, but I did find some options
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Being able to attend a week's worth of workshop which is of my personal interests
  • Being able to hear some personal stories from my colleagues

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