Thursday, January 3, 2019

Day #597 - Importance of Time

The importance of time will never change.

Goals of the Day:
  • Create time schedule draft for the week
    • Not Achieved
  • Plan my time for today
    • Achieved
  • Brainstorm potential timeslots for free tuition
    • Not Achieved
Worked on creating action items from my new year resolutions.
These action items will eventually feed into the time schedule.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Made the right decision to go home after going to camp instead of going back office
  • Planned my time for today
  • Contacted my estate resident committee to explore options of venue availability
  • Sent my mum the details for this Sat
  • Created action items from my new year resolutions
  • Meditated for 10 min
  • Slept on time
Today's Small Losses:
  • Slow pace on coding which needs to be completed tomorrow
  • Didn't create time schedule
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Option to go home after camp to go home early to rest
  • A good lunch conversation with colleagues
  • Dearest encouragement and praise from me being proactive

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