Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Day #352 - A Good Rest

Back from a 4-day holiday with Dearest.
Got to try a lot of activities together =)
It was kinda different from the previous holidays.
Because it's the first time we went away as a married couple.
And also because I didn't pack our schedule like sardines.

Goals of the Week:
  • Finish Udemy Section 3 on Android App Development [Status: 2/10]
    • No progress today
Goals of the Day:
  • Get off work on time
    • Achieved
  • 2 lectures on Udemy
    • Not Achieved
  • Practise good habits (meditate and sleep on time)
    • Achieved
Felt a bit unwell today.
Might be the expired milk in the morning, and/or the 4 prawn paste chicken I ate during lunch.
So I decided to not stress my body and mind too much after I got back home and just rested after dinner.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Meditated for 10 min
  • Slept at 11pm
  • Had a good cooking session
  • Resolved a conflict with Dearest
  • Managed to get to work early to prepare for an update meeting
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't do the 2 lectures that I wanted to
  • Too much heaty food during lunch
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Dearest buying the tonic drink for me even though it's quite troublesome to get to
  • A house that I can rest in
  • My colleague for being a teammate in our course of work by preparing the slides for the update meeting

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