Monday, May 14, 2018

Day #363 - Finding Your Passion

Dearest and I got into the topic of finding passion/interests/hobbies for our kids next time.
Because she felt that she wasn't given the opportunities to do so when she was young, but our kids can have that =)

It's important for me too.

Goals of the Week:
  • Finish Section 3 of Udemy Mobile App Course [4/10]
    • Watched 1 lecture
Goals of the Day:
  • Exercise
    • Achieved
  • Meditate for 10 min
    • Achieved for 5 min
  • Watch Lecture 5 of Udemy Mobile App Course
    • Achieved
  • Start filing my letters
    • Achieved
It was a bit of a rushed day at work.
There were some confusion on the details of the work, which I found it rather frustrating at one point. 
Was a bit drained at the end of the adrenaline-filled working episode; hope it was worth it.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Was able to complete most of what I set out to do for the ad-hoc work task
  • Completed the framework needed for coding
  • Was a good helper to my Dearest, who was the main cook today!
  • Exercised (ran indoors because it was raining)
  • Watched Lecture 5 of Udemy Mobile App Course
  • Filed all the loose letters lying around the study room
  • Meditated for 5 min
  • Discussed with Dearest on the business idea of finding your interests
Today's Small Losses:
  • Slept late
  • Didn't feel like I handled the conflicts at work amicably
  • Didn't plan the week ahead

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