Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Day #378 - Make It Count

I shall make it count today.

Goals of the Day:
  • [Personal] Quality time with guys
    • Achieved
  • [Personal] Quality time with Dearest
    • Achieved
  • [Personal] Work on Lecture 5 of Mobile App course
    • Achieved
First official visitors of the house =)

Today's Small Wins:
  • Had a good mahjong session with guys at my house for the first time
  • Dealt with the stress of having visitors together with Dearest
  • Cooked a nice dinner
  • Worked on Lecture 5
  • Managed to free up some space on my C drive
  • Meditated for 10 minutes
  • Exercised (ran 2 km + 2 x 7 stations)
Today's Small Losses:
  • Slept late
  • Lost $10 at mahjong
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Dearest's good wishes for us, and our families, during the early morning praying today that she went
  • Being able to play mahjong with the guys and laughed a bunch
  • Being able to be present with Dearest when she's troubled
  • Dearest's actions to present a good image of the house

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