Monday, May 7, 2018

Day #357 - Just Start.

Just start.
Even if you're afraid.
Because when you start, the fear dissipates into adrenaline.

Goal(s) of the Week:
  • Complete 3 lectures in Section 3 of Udemy Mobile App Course [Status: 0/3]
  • Publish a post on my financial blog by this weekend [Status: Undone]
    • Find more savings account for comparisons [Status: Undone]
    • Create a page to link up all the current savings account [Status: Undone]
Goals of the Day:
  • Complete 1 lecture in Section 3 of Udemy Mobile App Course
    • Not Achieved
  • Exercise
    • Achieved
  • Meditate for 10 min
    • Not Achieved
Was a bit stressed at work for procrastinating and didn't do any productive work.
With deadlines coming, I better buck up.
Had more leisure time than I planned for after dinner, so I was a bit short of time to do the lecture and meditation.
At the very least, I exercised and did some personal administration.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Exercised for 45 minutes (static stations with emphasis on arm strength + 650m sprint)
  • Did personal administration
Today's Small Losses:
  • Distracted and unmotivated at work and thus, wasn't productive
  • Didn't meditate
  • Didn't spend enough quality time with Dearest
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Dearest's buying things for household organization to make the house looks neater
  • Dearest's initiative
  • My pet Wugui for letting me learned what's responsibility

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