Monday, June 4, 2018

Day #384 - Brand New Week

It's a brand new week again!
It's gonna be tough struggling to close one project deliverable, and to start preparing for the closing of another project deliverable.
It's another report to write.
And a few more nights of OverTime I suppose.
Still, I strive to come home on time to eat dinner with Dearest, and to have time to exercise and do my personal work.

Goals of the Day:

  • [Work] - Have a good Internal Review Meeting
    • Somewhat Achieved (got whacked a bit, but I took it in, together with my teammate)
  • [Work] - Finish the report and slides
    • Report is finished, left the integration part. Slides have to be reviewed again tomorrow
  • [Personal] - Sleep at 11pm
    • Achieved
Did OverTime until 10pm before eating dinner and heading home.
Today gave me stronger reasons to seek a different path.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Finished the report! (sort of)
  • Had an okay presentation, but it's still a win cause I did it
Today's Small Losses:
  • Did overtime; less time for Dearest and myself
  • Got a bit distracted a work towards the end of the afternoon
Things I'm Grateful for Today:

  • My employee's rights to take a cab back home paid by the company for doing OT
  • Teammate's support in finishing the work
  • Dearest encouragement and support, even though she is feeling uncomfortable from her period

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