Thursday, June 7, 2018

Day #387 - A Different Perspective

Accepting who and what I am today.
Becoming who and what I might be tomorrow.

Goals of the Day:
  • [Work] Get started and finished the slides for project #2
    • Achieved
  • [Work] Get started on report #2
    • Achieved
  • [Personal] Upload pictures from NZ for Day 3 and 4
    • Achieved
  • [Personal] Arm Strength Training at night
    • Achieved
Managed to achieve all the goals I have set for today.

Today's Small Wins:
  • Relatively good progress on project #2
  • Exercised; focused on arm to prepare myself for the upcoming urban attack
  • Put in effort to share my experience (in NZ)
  • Had a good talk with Dearest about some of her thoughts
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't practise good habits (didn't meditate and didn't sleep on time)
  • Miscommunication with Dearest that resulted in us eating dinner separately
  • Noticed that my negative feelings at work have influenced my behaviours at work too. Gotta work on this.
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Being able to hear Dearest's thoughts
  • Having time to share my experience (through photos) with my friends on social media
  • Having had interesting experience (army days~) to share with my colleagues

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