Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Day #400 - Dearest's Support

I realized after 8 days of her absence, Dearest's presence provides encouragement and motivation for me to strive in life.

Goals of the Day:
  • [Work] Work out priority tasks
    • Achieved
  • [Work] Reduce distraction
    • Achieved
  • [Personal] Fresh installation of all programs (e.g. Java, Android Studio) for Mobile App Development
    • Achieved
  • [Personal] Pay bills
    • Achieved
It's a good day of being productive!

Today's Small Wins:
  • Managed to do a fresh install of Android Studio! There was the old problem of not being able to see any objects inside the main_activity.xml. But managed to solve it after a quick search on the web. I guess there is no need to buy a new SSD to make more space for learning. haha...
  • Completed Lecture 5! once with the video tutorial, another time with as little reference as possible
  • Paid bills on time
  • Slept just a bit after 11pm
Today's Small Losses:
  • Didn't meditate
Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • Dearest's presence; keeps me motivated =)
  • Time to achieve what I am aiming for
  • Able to go home on time

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